Graduation - Cap&Gown
College Grads - High School Grads and Seniors
It’s never too late to have your Cap & Gown, Graduation Photos Done in Our Studio or In Audubon Park even if you missed getting them at school. We feature the classic, in-studio look OR the fresh outdoors look of Audubon Park. Give us a call for professional cap and gown graduation photos you’ll be proud to have as a memory of your achievements and this major milestone in your life.
Looking for Senior Pic photos? We do that too. Look at our samples in the gallery below and tell us what you need. Senior pics only done in Audubon Park.
We have and ongoing IN-STUDIO SPECIAL PROMOTION of only $150 which includes session fee, online proof gallery AND a fully edited print-resolution digital files of your absolute favorite image, sized for printing 8x10, 5x7 or 4x6 prints at your favorite lab. (Special Price is studio only and does not apply to Audubon Park ($250)- see our rate page) Do you need an all black cap & gown? We can provide that for you. Call us today if you have any questions about our Cap & Gown shoots or want to schedule an appointment. 504-897-2333
NOTE: Prices and terms subject to change without notice, Most of our clients prefer having their images as digital files so they can print as many as they like and in any size preferred. Because of this trend and due to the rising costs of materials, we no longer provide in-house print services.
Graduation Photography by Wayne Ferrara ~ We look forward to working with you soon!
Located at 4437 Danneel St., New Orleans, LA 70115
504-897-2333 - By Appointment Only - Special Price 0f $150 is In Studio Only - Audubon Park is $250
We are LGBTQ Friendly Photographers in New Orleans
The images as well as all text and intellectual properties and other content of this site may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Wayne Ferrara and negotiated specified payment. Use of any image from this site, be it as a foundation for another photographic concept, advertisement or illustration (digital, artist rendering or other likeness) including intentional removal of image copyright notice from images is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images and content are copyrighted © as work of Wayne Ferrara.