Like most everyone else, keeping things going during the pandemic has been a challenge to say the least. It’s part of why I haven’t posted anything in a while. It has been over a year now since all this COVID craziness started and presently, the new concern is the Delta Variant.
Fortunately, most of the great people of New Orleans have the common sense to do what’s best for everyone and GET THE VACCINE. Hey, if it looks like I’m going to need a booster, I’ll be there. Truth be told, I don’t understand why so many people in the US are so adverse to getting vaccinated. I guess it’s a general lack of trust, I don’t know. What I do know is, having done my share of international travel, getting any number of vaccines before going abroad is nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve had Yellow Fever Vaccine, Typhoid Vaccine, Hepatitis A&B vaccine, Meningitis vaccine, booster shot for Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis as well as Pneumonia. So again, I have to ask, “WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?”. I would rather get the vaccine than land in an ICU under a respirator, that’s for sure! Maybe other folks don’t see it that way. I’ll say this though, if some of these folks are afraid of “being tracked” :-) they may want to consider ditching their cell phones. Now THERE’S a tracking device. But really, who would want to track most folks anyway? “She’s leaving Walmart now and headed to the fabric shop and the husband is watching football at home….don’t worry, I’m on top of them”. It’s as silly as it sounds, believe me.
I’m not trying to make a political statement here by any means, I just have an opinion on the matter. I think having the COVID vaccine is better than not having it.
New Orleans is a fun city! It will be great to see people smiling and laughing again. For now though, let’s wear the mask as needed and get vaccinated if you’re not.
Meanwhile, I hope things continue to improve for everyone. That being said, “Stay safe and be well”.